Encyclopédie critique du témoignage et de la mémoire
The Project
CRITICAL DICTIONARY AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORDS related to MEMORY and TESTIMONY Researchers, teachers, and professionals in cultural arts and information management increasingly find themselves... Read more
The term “transnational memory” has recently emerged in memory studies as part of the larger critique of methodological nationalism that has... Read more
Travel to sites perceived to hold historic significance is an increasingly common practice, and constitutes a key element in the contemporary... Read more
Carlo Ginzburg, a historian by training, is internationally known for several reasons. A prominent representative of micro-history, he is also an ardent intellectual who does not hesitate to engage on... Read more
Andreas Huyssen is Professor of Germanic Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. His work focuses on German literature from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century, but also – and... Read more